Peter C. Blanchard

Hi, I’m Peter


Let’s make the world a little better today.


I live at the intersection of behavioral science, human-centered design and social impact. My passion is driving innovation & strategy for products and services that tangibly improve the quality of people's lives.

I have used gamification to reimagine financial literacy curricula, designed programs using (my own) photography to improve health outcomes for long-term hospital patients, and submitted award-winning policy proposals for federal asset development programs. I have experience using human-centered design methodologies to tackle tricky problems like housing for youth aging out of foster care, and novel approaches for ending the cycle of generational poverty.

I believe that inequity exists by design, and that together we can un-design it.

I’m always open to opportunities where I can make a real difference in the world.  Need help with a product or service that lifts people up? Let's talk.

Some things I’ve done